Contribute to your future with a savings account designed for retirement.
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Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
Flexible Retirement Saving Options
Choose the IRA that’s best for you. We offer several IRAs with different benefits so you can choose the one that fits your needs. Some have tax advantages when you invest, tax-free earnings, or a set interest rate for a set term.
Traditional IRA
Invest in a traditional IRA for a tax-break the year funds are invested.
Annual Investment Limits:
• $7,000 if age 49 or younger
• $8,000 if age 50 or older
Annual distributions are required by April 1st of the year after you turn 72.
Roth IRA
Get tax-free earnings with a Roth IRA.
Annual Investment Limits:
• $7,000 if age 49 or younger
• $8,000 if age 50 or older
There are no mandatory distributions for Roth IRAs. Regular penalty and tax-free distributions can be made after age 59½.
IRA Savings
Open an IRA Savings with as little as $5 for flexible savings. Utilize automatic deposits from an internal account for convenient account growth.
As a retirement account, the IRA Savings earns more, up to 1.75% APY.*
IRA Certificate
Lock in a high interest rate return for six to sixty months.
When the certificate matures, you have the choice of rolling it over into another IRA Certificate or to an IRA account.
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For Your
Easily access your monthly statements online.
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We are here to serve our members. We want your banking experience to be secure and convenient.
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IRA accounts are insured by the NCUA, up to $250,000.
IRA accounts are opened in our branch locations.
IRA Certificates have a minimum opening balance of $500. Other IRAs can be opened at various amounts.
Secure money growth at various time and investment tier options.
An ideal blend of growth and liquidity
* APY = Annual Percentage Yield.
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