Marriott Data Breach
Member Security Alert
Marriott International announced a data breach, the morning of 11.30.18, involving guests of their Starwood hotels. The press release states that they "believe it contains information on up to approximately 500 million guests who made a reservation at a Starwood property." Both personal identification, and payment card information were included in the data theft.
Marriott has taken action to stop further data theft within their system, and has provided guest support in the form of a dedicated website, call center, email notifications, and identity watch services, following this incident.
To learn more about the incident, or to get help as a Starwood guest, read the full press release and visit the dedicated Marriott website at info.starwoodhotels.com, to find Frequently Asked Questions and Contact Information.
Your Ongoing Information Safety
If you have concerns about your personal, credit or account information safety, we can help.
Monitor Your Account
One of the best ways to monitor your account is to regularly check card activity and alerts in Online Banking. If you see unrecognized activity on your account, please contact us to report the incident and take protective measures.
We have additionally partnered with Mastercard® to offer you premier ID theft protection and card security at no-cost, in order to help keep your information safe. Review your credit card monitoring services and sign up for ID theft alerts today by visiting Mastercard security.
Check Your Credit Report
As a benefit to your membership, we offer an annual No-Cost Credit Review. This program provides you a personalized, one-on-one review with one of our credit experts. We will review your credit report to look for any suspicious activity and walk you through the details of your credit score; and answer any questions you may have.
You can always sign up for additional credit monitoring with TransUnion's TrueIdentity protection services or Experian's CreditWorks™ Premium.
Learn more about our FREE Credit Guide program or schedule an appointment in-branch for your Credit Review today.
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